Halloween Crafts

Halloween is right around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited. Something about dressing up in a costume (yes I still dress up) makes me feel like a kid again. Now that my own little guy is big enough to enjoy this holiday, it should prove even more fun.

When working in lifestyle news, I had the chance to create some fun holiday themed crafts you can do with your kids. At the time I recorded these, my children had 4 legs so they were not nearly as excited about them as I was. Hopefully my little monster enjoys these fun and creative Halloween projects. I’ve included the instructions (these are so easy) so you can make them with your little ghoul and goblins.


Jack-O-Lantern Fruit Cups

You’ll Need:

Mandarin Orange or Peach Fruit Cup, Permanent Marker

How To:

This is so simple and yet so cute. Take a mandarin orange or peach fruit cup. Flip it upside down and draw a jack-o-lantern face on it. That’s it. You’re done. Make a bunch and take to your child’s school or preschool for a healthy Halloween treat.


Pumpkin Puffs

You’ll need:

Fold Close Sandwich Bags, Cheese Puffs, Permanent Marker, Green Ribbon

How To:

This is a cute idea to include in your child’s lunch box for Halloween. Draw a jack-o-lantern face on sandwich bags. Stuff ¾ full of cheese puffs. Tip closed with a green ribbon.


Spider Suckers

You’ll Need:

Suckers, Pipe Cleaner, Googly Eyes

How To:

Another simple and easy treat the kids can take to pass out at their Halloween party. Grab four pipe cleaners. Place a sucker half way between the ends. Fold pipe cleaners around sucker. Bend the ends to form legs. Glue on googly eyes.

*Don’t be limited by using black pipe cleaners. Have fun and get creative with other festive fall shades like orange and purple.


Ghoulish Hands

You’ll Need:

Clear Latex Gloves, Popcorn, Candy Corn, Spider Rings, Ribbon

How To:

A creepy but delicious treat that’s so easy to make. Place a candy corn piece at the bottom of each finger in a glove. Stuff the rest of the glove with popcorn. Tie the glove closed with ribbon. Slide the spider ring on one of the fingers.

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